
GDPyS plugins are extensions to the main server and they are kinda like if cogs and spigot plugins had a baby. This guide will show you how to make and use plugins correctly.

First thing we want to create a python file in the plugins directory, lets call our plugin anticheat.

Lets put some starter code in there:

import gdpys # importing the main module

class AntiCheat(gdpys.Plugin): # create our plugin
    def __init__(self): # init
        print("Plugin started") # if your plugin needs to initalize, you may do that here. (make sure to call super()__init__() last)

    async def loop(self): # create a loop that will run every second
        pass # in our case, in this loop we can try to see if someone is cheating.

def setup():
    return AntiCheat # tell the plugin manager what class to find

This is not even the slightest bit of what plugins are capable of.

Metadata and dependencies

Next, we can set the metadata of our plugin, and even add dependencies (the metadata of a plugin is almost required but it might still work without it):

import gdpys # importing the main module

class AntiCheat(gdpys.Plugin): # create our plugin
    def __init__(self): # init
        self.set_metadata(name="anticheat", author="spook", description="anticheat for GDPyS", version="1.0.0", dependencies=[])
        print("Plugin started") # if your plugin needs to initalize, you may do that here. (make sure to call super()__init__() last)

    async def loop(self): # create a loop that will run every second
        pass # in our case, in this loop we can try to see if someone is cheating.

def setup():
    return AntiCheat # tell the plugin manager what class to find


If we want our plugin to be configurable we can use the built in config method:

import gdpys # importing the main module

class AntiCheat(gdpys.Plugin): # create our plugin
    def __init__(self): # init
        # set the metadata of the plugin so other plugins and the server admin can see it.
        self.set_metadata(name="anticheat", author="spook", description="anticheat for GDPyS", version="1.0.0", dependencies=[])
            "ban_people": True, # set the default values
            "other_config_option": "1"
        print("Plugin started") # if your plugin needs to initalize, you may do that here. (make sure to call super()__init__() last)

    async def loop(self): # create a loop that will run every second
        if self.config["ban_people"]: # in our case, in this loop we can try to see if someone is cheating.
            pass # now we can ban people

def setup():
    return AntiCheat # tell the plugin manager what class to find