Source code for gdpys.client

import asyncio
import os
from aiohttp.payload_streamer import streamer
from helpers.userhelper import user_helper
from helpers.levelhelper import level_helper
from helpers.generalhelper import dict_keys, deprecated
from helpers.timehelper import get_timestamp
from objects.comments import CommandContext, Comment, CommentBan
from objects.accounts import Account
from constants import Permissions
from config import user_config
from exceptions import GDPySCommandError
from objects.levels import Level, Rating, DailyLevel
from functools import wraps


[docs]class Client: def __init__(self): self.permissions = Permissions ############################ # User # ############################
[docs] async def username_to_id(self, username: str) -> int: """Convert a username to a user id""" return await user_helper.get_accountid_from_username(username)
[docs] async def account_id_to_user_id(self, accountid) -> int: """Convert a user id to an account id""" return await user_helper.get_rank(id)
[docs] async def get_user_rank(self, id: int) -> int: """Get the rank of a user""" return await user_helper.get_rank(id)
[docs] async def post_account_comment(self, id: int, comment: str) -> bool: """Post an account comment to a user's account""" return await user_helper.post_account_comment(id, comment, False, False)
[docs] async def ban_user(self, userid: int) -> None: """Ban a user""" return await user_helper.ban_user(userid)
[docs] async def send_message(self, subject: str, body: str, fromuser: int, touser: int) -> None: """Send a message to a user""" return await user_helper.send_message(subject, body, fromuser, touser)
[docs] async def get_user_object(self, account_id: int) -> Account: """Get a users object""" return await user_helper.get_object(account_id)
[docs] async def create_user_object(self, account_id: int) -> Account: """Create a users object""" return await user_helper.create_user_object(account_id)
############################ # Level # ############################
[docs] async def get_level(self, id: int) -> Level: """Get a level object""" return await level_helper.get_level_obj(id)
[docs] async def star_to_difficulty(self, stars: int) -> int: """Convert star rating to a difficulty""" return await level_helper.star_to_difficulty(stars)
[docs] async def like_level(self, id: int): """Bump a level's likes by one""" return await level_helper.bump_likes(id)
[docs] async def upload_level(self, level: Level): """Uploads a level from a level object""" return await level_helper.upload_level(level)
[docs] async def rate_level(self, rating: Rating): """Rates a level given a Rating object""" return await level_helper.rate_level(rating)
[docs] async def get_daily_level(self) -> DailyLevel: """Get the current daily level""" return await level_helper.get_daily_level()
[docs] async def get_weekly_level(self) -> DailyLevel: """Get the current weekly level""" return await level_helper.get_weekly_level()
############################ # Commands # ############################
[docs] def command(self, name: str = None, permission: Permissions = None): """Decorator to create commands""" global realname realname = name def decorator(coro): if not coro.__code__.co_flags & 0x0080 or getattr( coro, "_is_coroutine", False ): raise Exception("Function is not a coroutine function!") if realname is None: # noqa name = coro.__name__.lower() # noqa self.create_command(name, coro, permission) # noqa return decorator
[docs] def create_command( self, name: str, coro: asyncio.coroutine, permission: Permissions, type="command" ): """Create a command""" COMMANDS[name] = {"handler": coro, "permission": permission, "type": type}
def _command_exists(self, command: str) -> bool: """Checks if a given comment is a valid command.""" command = command.split(" ")[0].lower() return command[len(user_config["command_prefix"]) :] in dict_keys(COMMANDS) async def _create_context(self, comment: Comment) -> CommandContext: """Creates a context object for a command.""" level = await level_helper.get_level_obj(comment.level_id) account = await user_helper.get_object( await user_helper.accid_userid(comment.user_id) ) return CommandContext(level, comment, account) async def _execute_command(self, command_obj: Comment): """Executes a GDPyS command comment command. Returns a bool or commentban object.""" command_args = command_obj.comment[len(user_config["command_prefix"]) :].split( " " ) command = COMMANDS[command_args[0].lower()] ctx = await self._create_context(command_obj) account = await user_helper.get_object( await user_helper.accid_userid(command_obj.user_id) ) # SHOULD be already cached. # Create command args passed_args = command_args[1:] if not user_helper.has_privilege(account, command["permission"]): return False if command["type"] == "on_comment": try: await command["handler"](ctx, *passed_args) except GDPySCommandError: pass try: await command["handler"](ctx, *passed_args) except GDPySCommandError as e: return CommentBan( 0, # /shrug get_timestamp(), f"GDPyS Command Exception in {command['handler'].__name__.replace('_', '-')}:\n{e}", # Replace as _s mess up the response ) return True
[docs] def on_comment(self, name: str = None, permission: Permissions = None): """Decorator to create on_comment commands""" global realname realname = name def decorator(coro): if not coro.__code__.co_flags & 0x0080 or getattr( coro, "_is_coroutine", False ): raise Exception("Function is not a coroutine function!") if realname is None: # noqa name = coro.__name__.lower() # noqa self.create_command(name, coro, permission, type="on_comment") # noqa
client = Client()